Truth is an interesting phenomenon to me, sometimes it can bring people together and sometimes it can tear people apart. Sometimes it’s the best thing that could possibly happen, sometimes it’s the absolute worst. Truth is honestly something you can’t control, it’s spontaneous, ubiquitous, and completely overpowering if you decide to go against it. When you feel something isn’t quite right in your relationship for example, and you know bringing it up will cause conflict and you decide to bite your tongue, it’s almost as if that truth will never let you rest until it is revealed, and the longer you deny it’s existence the more gravitas it has until you just have no choice but to address it. So if truth is this immortal object that cannot be deleted out of existence, that would also make it the most powerful force in the universe. With this in mind I think it would be best to surrender to it the moment you become aware of it, or rather it would be best to become truth. Taoism is a beautiful philosophy that comes to mind. Check this link out for Alan Watts interpretation.

When I was a stubborn 16 year old (I’m still stubborn as hell, but I’ve improved a little lol). I would force everything, my future, my relationships, my diet, I thought I could just will myself into the life I truly wanted which caused a lot of unnecessary suffering. Now I do believe that we can manifest the life we want, but there are more efficient/gentle ways of going about that process. More accurately Taoism invites you to see yourself as the process itself, rather than a foreign agent cooperating (or competing for all you control freaks out there lol) with the process. So if you want to become a blogger for example (teehee) trying to force the next sentence to appear in your mind will stop the next sentence from coming! Going with the flow, the spontaneous, ubiquitous, immortal object that is my truth is what allows me to write as much as I want to write. I silence my mind and allow my ego (or who I think I am) to dissolve into the process until I am no longer there, I am no longer Tyson Porter, I’m just writing. I hope this is all making sense, so how do you know if you are in alignment with truth or not? Well it’s like taking off a shoe or a shirt that doesn’t fit you, it feels like you can breathe again, it feels like🌱. So I guess my final point is that truth is on your side, even when it feels like it isn't , even when it burns bridges, creates temporary tension, leads you into darkness, because in reality, truth is you. I hope you took some value out of this I love you all and continue to

Keep your I open.


